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here u can find out any new information i hav found about the offspring. anything.

This is one of my favorite pics
this is one of the best offspring pics i hav found online. its pretty cool lookin.
  New Offspring Concert in San Bernadino, CA
The Offspring are to play at the Blockbuster Pavillion venue in San Bernadino, CA. The bands that The Offspring are playing with are as follows, The Sex Pistols, Bad Religion, Social Distortion, X, The Buzzcocks, The Damned, Blink 182, G.B.H., New Found Glory, Pennywise, Cirlce Jerks, T.S.O.L., The Vandals, Unwritten Law, Distillers, and Adolescents. They are playing for KROQ's Levi's Inland Invasion. The concert should be alot of fun for the people who are going to the concert. I would go but I already got tickets to a concert one week before the invasion concert. Now if anyone who has tickets and would like to take me, I would gladly pay them back for the ticket. "wink wink."

i never knew that The Offspring's first cd wasnt self-title, but ignition. in fact self-title wuz their 4th cd to be released. a few months after smash wuz released. and if ur wonderin how that can be becuz self-title wuz released in 1989 and smash wuz released in 1994, then heres ur answer. the cd self-title wuz re-released after smash becuz the original self-title album that wuz released in 1989 wuz a 12" vinyl record not a cd. thats pretty crazy. and another interestin fact is that only 5000 copies were made, so its a rare find and if u find one for sale i recommend u buy it becuz things that great dont come out very often. plus it has a bitchin' cover. its old skool stlye.

The Offspring

What is the Message of "Staring At The Sun"
If any of you have tried to figure out the message of Staring at the Sun here it is. on the official offspring web page Dexter (lead singer) says its about how kids will sacrafice who they are in order to fit in with a certain group. How its important to be who you are and not what people want you to be. He says the words "Starin at the sun" is a methaphor for those who are self destructive. He also says the lines "But I won't be burned by the reflection of the fire in your eyes as you're staring at the sun" is tryin to say "if you're going to destroy yourself, you're not going to drag me down with you." And thats what the message of Staring at the Sun is. If you wish you may visit the site by clicking on the link above (the easy way), to view the story on the song and even check out the stories behind "Beheaded" and "Conspiracy Of One."

take The Offspring fanatic quiz

This is another cool pic
i like this pic a lot cuz its from way back when when dexter had his crazy long hair. the las time he had hair that long wuz after smash wuz released in 1994 of april.

Original Cover
This pic is actually the original self-title release which wuz on a 12" viynl record. more info to left of this pic.

dont look down here