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About Me (Primary Webmaster)
hey hey this is my website. its so great. shat ep im still workin on it. but anyway this is suposed to be bout me. im a crazy little beotch with no life. no actually i hav a life jus not rite now cuz of summer skool. but in 3 weeks i'll be out doin all this good stuff. k back to me. ya im a funny guy cuz thats wut all my friends think. im not tall but im not short. im taller than my 20 yr. old cuz i wont mention his name(jason sandoval). the only reason y thats special is cuz im 15. ill be 16 in late october. u can IM me at metallica99mm. im a C average student(sometimes). but ya what ever. i love hockey and my favorite team is the L.A. Kings. my opinion on other sports is "meh". except soccer. thats the devil! well i got nothin else to say so peace out.

About Me (Secondary Webmaster)
coming soon! if he decides to work on it.

About My Friends!
Nick is a goofy guy who likes to box and loves rap. Jason is a guy who eats to little and does to much. 2 jobs and bein a student is to much work man. Garrett is my cuz who loves hockey aswell. George is guy u gotta watch wut u say round him, PERV. Dmitri is a kick azz russian who is as funny as hell. Cody is a guy who is pretty funny. Tyson is jus a guy who follows ya round. Dubiansky(real name Chris) is such a stoner. Bonifacio(real name Jon) is a hardcore surfer. ahh who else. Bangert loves his computer. Lindsay is a hardcore greenday fan and is sexy as hell. amy ya shes pretty hot to. and yet she doesnt call me by my real name either. she calls me alfred. i dunno how that started up.

email me(again)

the Thrice website


dont look down here